Edinburgh Castle Scotland

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  1. Henry Riley says:

    Hey Linda, great post!
    I love this list and it makes me want to visit Scotland sooooo bad. I have traveled to Ireland for my 21st birthday which was amazing but I would really love to visit Scotland. I am also a huge fan of Single Malt Scotch and some of my favorites are produced right off of the coast in the Islay region. Your post has some great pictures as well as the interesting notion about bagging a munro, I had no idea that’s what they called it. Anyways, keep up the great work.

    1. Yes, “munro bagging” is a pretty strange term! Thanks for your kind comments. 🙂

  2. The best part of your article for me is when you talked about how you can find wildlife in all corners of Scotland while enjoying viewing the different mountains and green lowland glens. My husband and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary by next month, so we’re looking for the best possible places that we can visit and stay. My husband loves watching wildlife, and I love watching dramatic sceneries which Scotland can provide. I will make sure to talk to my husband so he can consider visiting Scotland.

    1. Thanks Madison! We really loved coming across wildlife on our trip — deer-spotting was our favourite car activity!

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