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  1. It was nice hearing you talk about good old Austria. Sometimes I miss it, you know, especially the trains; they are indeed awesome. How could you not like them?! Oh, and you can still get the Vorteilscard when you’re over 26, you know? It just costs €100 instead of €20! But I still found that to be worth it when I was there travelling around a lot like you guys.

    1. Yeah… That’s some price difference, eh?

      I guess we might have broken even on it on this trip, but I don’t think so… A €200 outlay for discount cards just wasn’t quite worth it for us. Especially now Westbahn is competing on the main line.

      1. Oh, I always forget about Westbahn, because they weren’t that big when I was there, and I heard they allowed passengers to smoke on board, so I never considered taking their trains.

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